Friday, June 5, 2015

Havenwood Apartments Takes Away Amenity Turning Hot Tub Into Cactus Planter

We have heard again from the Tenant Thinks Snidely Whiplash Has Taken Over Fort Worth's Havenwood Apartments.

Dear Renters Alliance,

Have you seen this? Snidely Whiplash, the out of state Havenwood Apartments owner, has gone from nickel and diming residents with surcharges for things like hot water, trash removal, security alarms, water and sewage disposal, to now taking away amenities which residents have long thought was part of what they were paying for each month when they pay the rent.

Enclosed you will find a photo showing you the current state of Havenwood's poolside hottub. 

The hot tub has been drained, filled with dirt, and turned into a giant cactus planter!

How bizarre.

I wonder how long it will be before a fed up resident yanks that cactus out of the former  hot tub and tosses it in the pool?

Thank you, once again, for giving a voice to us fed up Havenwood residents.

A Soon to be ex-Havenwood Resident

Thank you, Soon to be ex-Havenwooder. We had not seen the new version of the Havenwood hot tub. We have seen some of the other landscape "upgrades".

Most of the trees were cut down on the south side of the property before the city put a stop to the illegal clearcut.

In the years since, not much landscaping has taken place on the south side to fix  the damage.

We wonder how long it will be before the new, out of state, owner gets sued after someone breaks a limb due to slipping and falling on the ball bearing pea sized gravel that has been spread over large areas of the property?

How did that pea sized gravel get past the city code compliance people?

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Fort Worth Apartment Charges Trash Removal Fee But Does Not Remove Trash

Incoming complaint from a resident of Fort Worth's Havenwood Apartments.

D/FW Renter Alliance,

Thank you so much for giving us Havenwood residents a place to feel out pain regarding what has happened to this property since a new owner took over.

Has anyone else noticed that on our so called "utility bill" that the $1.95 so called recycling fee is now called a"trash" fee?

The picture I enclosed with this email was taken Saturday, February 14, 2015. Valentines Day. We pay for this?

Thank you,

Havenwood Resident

Monday, February 2, 2015

Does Fort Worth Have No City Agency Protecting Tenant Rights?

Does the City of Fort Worth have no one in the city government, no agency, which looks out for tenant's rights and which investigates reported wrongdoing by property owners?

The Dallas/Fort Worth Renter Alliance has been focused on the questionable practices of the owner of Fort Worth's Havenwood Apartments, as detailed on this blog.

Questionable Havenwood practices such as changing water billing companies, without notice, and with each change resulting in higher bills, more than doubling in a year, along with adding a garbage disposal fee, a natural gas water heating fee, an alarm fee.

All these fees have been added at the same time the rents have increased by almost $100 in some cases.

Does the City of Fort Worth not monitor the practices of out of state property owners operating in Fort Worth? Havenwood residents have requested, as per the law, as stated by TCEQ, billing records to check for the legitimacy of the doubling of the water fees. No records providing this information has been provided.

Back in late 2014 the City of Fort did nothing about another apartment owner's outrageous mistreatment of tenants. Residents of Fort Worth's Parkview Village were given eviction notices with 30 days to vacate the premises. These notices showed up on resident's doors, with no prior warning, or explanation. No help was offered, by either the city or the owner.

You can read about this Fort Worth abuse of human rights in an article in Fort Worth Weekly titled Get Out.

The Durango Texas blog also wrote about this abuse in Fort Worth Shrugs Its Shoulders While Hundreds Of Citizens Are Given 30 Day Eviction Notices.

The city government of most towns in America would not allow abuses such as that which is happening to the residents of the Havenwood Apartments, such abuses would be seen as institutionalized thievery, or white collar crime.

As for the arbitrary 30 day evictions of the residents of Parkview Village, we suspect many city governments in America would have pursued criminal charges against the property owner perpetrator in an instance such as this.